5 Best British Allotment Blogs | Growing Vegetables

I’m always on the hunt for new blogs to read, tips to try out and photos to go ooo ahhhh at, so I thought I would share some of my best finds with you.

Here are a collection of 5 British blogs about allotments and veggie’s, how to grow them (the vegetables, not the allotments) and what to do with them once they’re grown … oh and some great seasonal cooking recipes.

I have listed informative blogs, while it’s nice to read about people’s holidays and what the cat got up to this week I wanted to give you a resource to get you fired up and planting, not sitting reading about people’s lives or checking out photo diaries from allotments.

1. Down on the Allotment

In celebration of Matron giving up shopping in supermarkets I’ll start with her allotment blog and her forced rhubarb: Down on the Allotment and she’s even making home made bird boxes … Matron I’m a big fan!!

2. My Tiny Plot

This is a great no nonsense blog with great posts like what to grow in the shady bit and there are always plenty of readers comments with added tips. Mums should check out the baby food posts.

3. Mostly I will be Growing

That’s not an introduction, it’s the name of a great blog about an allotment in Essex. Mostly I will be growing is a really informative blog and I love the weeds and pests section. The photos aren’t as impressive as some other allotment blogs but you get a lot more content.

4. Allotmenticity - Captain Tongo’s Diary

If you’re not a great reader then check this blog out, each post has a recording of Captain Tongo giving allotment tips and recipes on Aston radio every monday. The recipes are written on the blog posts and the radio show has a brilliant title Sod it, grow your own have a listen, it’s very entertaining and you can pick up some great growing tips.

5. Little Gem’s

This blog includes a number of different subjects (eg sewing and cooking) but it has some good information about little gem’s allotment garden and there are some lovely recipes too. Just look at the top right for the words ‘allotment garden’ and click that, if all you are interested in is the posts about allotment gardening.

If you want to have a go at growing unusual varieties then have a dig (no pun intended) through the Organic Allotment blog. The blog is not updated very often but there are some great unusual varities to try out.

There are just so many great blogs about veggies so my apologies to all the great bloggers I couldn’t fit in my list but feel free to leave a comment with a link to your vegetable blog.

Although it’s not a UK site I really wanted to mention Scarecrow’s garden as it has an excellent section on food gardening for beginners. From improving your soil to taking cuttings and compost making, a real treasure trove of information.

Here are my 5 reasons to grow your own, I hope you will find them convincing and give it a go.

If you’re just starting out with an allotment or want to trade tips with other allotmenteers then register at the Allotments UK forum and discuss growing vegetables.

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8 Responses to “5 Best British Allotment Blogs | Growing Vegetables”

  1. Sam Says:

    I grow my own and infact sowed lots of seeds last night, spring onions, purple sprouting, tomatoes, basil, oregano and some sunflowers. Next to be sown will be several varities of beans. You can’t beat picking fresh veg from your own veg patch :)

  2. olly from Glass Verandas (14 comments.) Says:

    I would love to grow my own fruit and vegetables. I find often the quality of fruit and veg from local supermarkets lack the flavor and quality I enjoy - in fact I find it hard to find quality fruit and veg from anywhere these days unless it is properly home grown!

  3. Sally Says:

    Why can’t you grow your own Olly, is it lack of space?

  4. olly from glass verandas (5 comments.) Says:

    Lack of space and a lack of time in a busy working schedule. I hope after this year to take some more time off and perhaps growing would be a great way to relax however that is a distant drema at the moment!

    Back to work…..!

  5. Sally Says:

    The hardest part is getting started Olly, it is very time consuming but once you have an established veg patch it only takes a lot of time when you are planting. Weeding and watering takes little time and is just so relaxing. I hope you will get your veg patch one day and come and share your experiences with us.

  6. olly from Glass Verandas (14 comments.) Says:

    I have heard from many that it is extremely therapeutic.

    Hopefully one day! And I will be sure to let you know how I go!

  7. Elaine (1 comments.) Says:

    Thanks for the excellent links, I have started my own allotment blog and always looking out for other to read.

    Elaine’s last blog post..To deter some ducks

  8. Sally Says:

    Hi Elaine, loving your blog and what a lovely design. Shall be dropping in for a read regularly.

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