Labrador Retriever Puppies | Working Dogs

Exelby Labradors have a current litter of labrador retrievers that will make excellent working or show dogs.

I haven’t yet seen any pictures but judging by the parents I can’t wait to get a look at the puppies.

Beanie () produced a litter to Timantti Solid Davidson (that is his photo on the left) on the 17th March 2009 and there are six bitches and one dog in the litter.

Timantti is a Russian Champion and Beanie has been well placed in all her classes.

If you are looking for a labrador retriever pup to bring on as a working dog or show dog then I would suggest you contact Kay Cook on or e-mail:

I first introduced you to Kay of Exelby Labradors when I started the working dogs category of this blog and we then went on to meet the spawn of satan himself in Ollie’s exploits in the showring.

It is with sad heart I have to report that Ollie has terminal cancer, so Kay is busy looking after him and running round trying to look after the new puppies and her other dogs.

The good news is that everybody forgot to tell Ollie he is sick so he seems none the wiser and is continuing to run Kay ragged with his exploits.

We hope to hear more from Kay when she has time and we all wish her and Ollie the best.

Just got a picture of Beanie with her 1 day old pups, they are 3 weeks old now and just gone on to solid food .. how cute are they:

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6 Responses to “Labrador Retriever Puppies | Working Dogs”

  1. (22 comments.) Says:

    Cute pups Sally. How did that chocolate one get there??

    Happy Easter.

    Roy Norris’s last blog post..

  2. Sally Says:

    It’s the Easter puppy :)

  3. Golf Equipments (1 comments.) Says:

    Very impressive.
    Great info.

  4. (22 comments.) Says:

    I fell for that one didn’t I.

    Roy Norris’s last blog post..

  5. Leon Huang from Singapore Photographer (2 comments.) Says:

    I’m sorry to hear he has cancer. It’s always sad to find out your dog is sick :(

  6. System (1 comments.) Says:

    For me there is no better breed than Labrador.

    System’s last blog post..Lack of Vitamins

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