Attracting Hedgehogs to Your Garden | Caring for Hedgehogs

Should you be lucky enough to have a hedgehog visit your garden or wish to attract one and see it safely through the winter months there are lots of excellent books in libraries and experts at wildlife centres for advice. Failing being able to visit one of these then you can read the excellent information [...]
Pets and Fireworks – Protect Your Animals on Bonfire Night

Pets and fireworks simply do not mix. Bonfire night is a fun time for us roasting marshmallows and going “ooooh” as fireworks paint the sky can actually be a pet’s idea of hell. Every year many pets are lost or injure themselves through the fear of fireworks. Whether you have a dog, cat, horse or [...]
Amersham Horse Trader Gets 6 Months

Amersham horse trader, James Gray,has finally been sentenced (yipee) after being found guilty of causing unnecessary suffering to 40 equines, following a 12 week trial. While it is not the sentence many equine lovers would like it was the maximum the Judge could hand down. James Gray was sentenced to 6 months in prison, a [...]
UK Food Labelling – Animal Welfare Groups

Why would I include animal welfare groups in this series of articles about UK food labelling? In other articles we’ve looked at this issue from the side of food producers and food processors, both are obvious players in the UK food labelling saga. However animal welfare groups, like Compassion In World Farming (CIWF) and the [...]