Inside A Wasp Nest

Once the wasps were dead I was able to cut the wasps nest down and get a look inside. Here are some photographs of the inside of a wasp nest.

We saw the outside of the wasps nest in my blog post what does a wasps nest look like.

Unfortunately as these pictures are taken on my mobile phone it’s difficult to see the amazing colours woven through the paper mache but I hope this will give you some idea.

Before I took the outer layers of paper mache from the wasp nest you can see how the prote4ctive layers are formed around the cells.

Once the outer layers are removed you can see the tiers of cells inside the wasps nest.

Here you can see the wasps breaking out of their cells.

Finally the wasps nest when it was fully taken apart.

Apologies for my lack of blogging lately, it’s been a very busy period here but is coming to an end now so I shall get back to it very soon.

I do hope I get some brownie points from Roy for slightly better quality images and I hope you have enjoyed, as much as I have, looking at the fascinating way nature works and seeing inside a wasp nest.

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4 Responses to “Inside A Wasp Nest”

  1. (32 comments.) Says:

    Hi Sally, for a mobile phone they are very good photographs. well done.
    (10 brownie points awarded.)
    It was very interesting to see inside the nest.
    Glad you are coming back, I sure you have been busy at this time of year.
    Roy Norris´s last blog .. My ComLuv Profile

  2. Alan from Wedding Photographer Colchester (1 comments.) Says:

    With wasps still inside, that was brave! Amazing structures, shame they’re full of wasps though.

  3. olly from Glass Verandas (24 comments.) Says:

    Sally – Thanks for the images – the quality isn’t too bad and really gives a good insight into what is inside these nests. It truly is remarkable.

  4. Sally Says:

    YAY I got brownie points …. can I have a celebratory cream cake next time lol

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