Vegetarian Dating

If you are vegetarian, whether through principle or taste, it is usually an important life choice and meeting someone with the same principles or tastes will probably be important to you.

I was vegetarian for 15 years and found nothing more stomach churning than finding my boyfriends lump of dead animal in the fridge. I do sometimes eat meat now but still remember that feeling of opening the fridge and deciding I was no longer hungry.

If you are a single vegetarian and would like to meet other vegetarians then may be your answer.

It is not only for dating but for making friends and sharing lifestyle tips. You can sign up for free but a gold membership does cost $29.95 for a month. I would suggest if you are in the UK you join for free and see how many other members they have from the UK before you pay for membership but it does look like a nice site.
– The best place in the world for meeting vegetarian friends and singles.

I do get fed up with the large sites that advertise they cater for vegetarian dating but you simply get thrown into a huge pool and have to sift through to find others with shared interests, so this may be a way for you to meet other vegetarians without all the sifting.

It seems the UK is lacking in online services for vegetarian dating but if you know of any sites specifically for the UK then please leave a comment and let us know about them.

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6 Responses to “Vegetarian Dating”

  1. ethicalsingles (1 comments.) Says: is another great dating site for meeting UK vegetarians, vegans, humanitarians and eco-friendly singles. Sign-up and search for free at

  2. Sally Says:

    Thank you for letting us know about that one, I just had a look and it is tailored for vegetarians and green singles. Sally

  3. chikwendu Says:

    I find your blog boring,I don’t think you are telling the truth.

  4. Sally Says:

    About what, that Green Friends is a dating site for vegetarians?

    You are entitled to your opinion and to try to get links back to your own e-commerce blog.

  5. steve from Debt Relief Programs (2 comments.) Says:

    I have a few vegetarian friends with this problem seems like a great site, gonna have to pass the word on.

  6. ohn from jTexas Debt Settlement Says:

    I dated this one girl who was a strict vegan and to be quite honest it was too much for me too handle.

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