Top 10 Countryside & Rural Blogs in the UK

Are you interested in the countryside and rural life in the UK but struggling to find good blogs to read? Here is my top 10 list, they are some of my favourites but by no means all of the ones I like to check in on.

If you have a countryside blog I haven’t come across yet please leave a comment with your url.

From the following blogs even a hardened townie will get a feel for life in the country and believe me The Darling Buds of May have a lot to answer for, it’s not all baking and chatting up women …. although quite a lot of both does go on.

1. Field Day written by Tim Relf.

Tim is a journalist, novelist, cat lover and gossip over on Farmers Weekly. His blog is about the quirky goings on in rural life, from unusual wedding day transport to woolly jumpers for chickens. I love Tim’s style of writing but do wish some of his posts were longer, I enjoy reading them so much.

2. Locks Park Farm written by Paula, who like me came into farming later in life.

Paula runs a small organic farm in Devon. Not only does her blog wreak of her passion for farming but also for life itself.

3. Urban Extension written by Jane, who is a little miffed that the government want to turn her peaceful Dorset village and surrounding countryside into an extension of Poole (think I’d be a bit miffed too).

Jane is a video photographer and if your idea of wildlife is the occasional rabbit or ladybird then take a look at the stunning photographs and videos of British wildlife on her blog.

4. Diary Farmer which is a totally uncomplicated diary blog about life as a farmer.

His latest post (4 May 08) tells of his stock bull going lame and trying to bring in a replacement, while also trying to organise a meal out for his wife’s birthday. From his blog posts I really get the feeling he cares about his herd and he writes for people, not other farmers so even if you have never stepped foot out of a concrete jungle you will get a taste of farming life.

6. The Rangers Blog is simply sarcasm and cynicism the whole way, I just love it.

The blog is littered with interesting “what the hell” moments, like the “final solution for Australian toads” or the “the fungus that looks like Britney Spears” (I’ll let you find out about that one by yourself).

7. Wiggly Wigglers is a totally absorbing blog, it is educational and many of the posts have links to further reading, so don’t even peek at it if you are pushed for time as you end up completely engrossed.

It’s gardening, it’s composting, worms and butterflies, green living and wildlife. I just love it.

8. Mopsa is a personal blog from a farm in Devon. Ensure you have had a good nights sleep before tackling this one, I get exhausted just reading it.

The writer is a part time farmer with a full time job in the arts, a barn restoration project underway and a zoo in the making. She writes of bruised breasts from butting ewes, fence leaping dogs, ugly faced pigs, geese, a llama and buddhist monks, with a little art thrown in for good measure. She was certainly at the front of the queue when energy was being handed out.

9. Fenland Walker is what I would call a visual blog, it is packed full of photographs observing the British countryside.

Even if you’re not into reading blogs you have to check this one out for the stunning photographs Roy always displays, not much reading but as they say a picture says a thousand words.

10. The Longer View this is Matthew Naylor’s “blog from the Fens”.

Whilst farming issues do get a serious mention, they are from the grumpy old man aspect. His blog is incredibly funny and down to earth. This is from a recent post “I kept forgetting her name, which was Sally. I ended up introducing her to my father as Fally (or Phally) which just isn’t a name (however you spell it).”

I would also like to mention Kids Connect Campaign Blog written by Craig (13), Emily (12), Felicity (13) and Martha, hosted by Farmers Weekly, in the hope that someone will mention to the children that they do have readers out here and we are waiting for their return, as the last post was back in November.

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17 Responses to “Top 10 Countryside & Rural Blogs in the UK”

  1. Field Day Says:

    Top of the pops…

    I’ve just read something that’s made me smile. In fact, it’s made me doubly happy. Not only is Field Day put top of the list of the UK’s countryside and rural blogs, but it’s a whole nine places – yes,……

  2. tim relf (1 comments.) Says:

    Thanks for being nice about my blog. I will try to write more and plead guilty as charged re being a gossip!

  3. Sally Says:

    Thanks for visiting my blog Tim and I look forward to reading longer posts from you in the future. Please keep me in the loop if you get any juicy gossip, I too plead guilty to being a gossip.

    Tim’s Top of the pops post can be found here

  4. Mopsa (1 comments.) Says:

    Ooh err! Thank you very much! And there I was thinking I was rather lazy… I feel much better now.

  5. Sally Says:

    Pleased I could make you feel better, love your blog.

  6. Jane (4 comments.) Says:

    Many thanks for mentioning my blog. I’m a right old fart when it comes to all things wildlife, but I love it so much I just keep writing about it. Thanks again. Jane

  7. Arcadian Advocate Says:


    I have found your list today and enjoyed reading the blogs.
    I hope you will come and visit my blog

    see you soon

  8. Sally Says:

    That is a nice blog you have there, enjoyed reading it.

  9. steve from Debt Relief Programs (2 comments.) Says:

    Very nice blog here I love the list you offered only visited a few but they are all bookmark and rss worthy.

  10. Joey (1 comments.) Says:

    That’s a great list. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Minnie (2 comments.) Says:

    Thanks for a very useful list!

    I knew a couple of them already but the rest are new to me. Now added them to by bookmarks :)
    Minnie´s last blog ..Minnie Mouse Ideas My ComLuv Profile

  12. johnson (1 comments.) Says:

    What a great site and so full of stuff – it will keep me absobed for days to come.
    Perhaps my blog on everyday country life and gardening in the Cotswolds may be of interest? Johnson
    johnson´s last blog ..The Long Distance Painted Ladies My ComLuv Profile

  13. Jenny from small business blog (1 comments.) Says:

    I have checked the Diary Farmer and its really a refreshing blog. Thanks for mentioning those blogs!
    Jenny@small business blog´s last blog ..Aug 19, Small Business Registration- Alaska My ComLuv Profile

  14. Jane (1 comments.) Says:

    This Rural Wife is a partly fictional tale, exaggerated nuances of hapless events that occur within The Village on a daily basis.
    Jane´s last blog ..Rounding up the children for tea My ComLuv Profile

  15. Sally Says:

    Great blog Johnson, I shall be a regular visitor.

  16. head set (1 comments.) Says:

    Nice work sally. I have visited many links though not all. But all of them are worth bookmarking. Thank you so much for the information.

  17. mildred from okc wedding photographers (1 comments.) Says:

    Love the Diary of the Farmer! Its very refreshing to see how farmers differ in other countries since we have a tropical weather. I would certainly check the other blogs as well, kudos!

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