5 Steps to Avoid Giving in to First Date Sex

Why should you avoid first date sex?

A first date can be electrifying, particularly if you met on an online dating site and have been talking for a while.

That is the joy of a new romance but if you have first date sex then the chase is over before it began.

Most people will tell you that the fun is in the chase and how right they are.

Yes some people are simply interested in casual sex and that suits both parties but a majority of us are looking for something deeper.

Here are 5 simple tips to help you avoid first date sex:

1. Take a lesson from Bridget Jones and go out and buy a pair of first date underwear, believe me it’s only in the movies that anyone would could get passionate with those on. Find the ugliest underwear you can, ones that you would be ashamed to hang on your washing line.

For women, that would be granny knickers with a suck you in tummy, they not only make you look better in that little black dress but will ensure you don’t let him catch the merest glimpse of them.

For men, if there is a man alive that wishes to avoid such a situation, buy some up to the waist y-fronts in chocolate brown with a red or green border, now that would be a passion killer. You may have to hunt for these but sadly they are still out there.

2. Before you go on a date ask a few honest friends whether the line “I will still respect you in the morning” is a big fat lie. Honest friends will tell you the truth and it’s not good news.

You may continue to date, get married and have 2.5 beautiful children but that first date issue will always be there lurking in the back of your mind. It may not be a big issue or ever mentioned again but after ten years of marriage you try openly flirting with someone and count the seconds until it is mentioned.

3. Don’t drink too much. Yes you want to relax, the conversation and wine are flowing but alcohol removes inhabitions and leads us to places we would otherwise prefer not to go. Alternate your drinks with alcohol and something soft.

It is bad enough waking up to a hangover the morning after the night before but waking up to that growing rememberence of first date sex just adds to the headache. Worse still is waking up to a total stranger and realising you don’t have any makeup remover with you and your eyes look like you have been in 2 rounds with Mike Tyson.

4. Do not carry protection “just in case”, the realisation that as much as you want to leap on the new love of your life you also don’t want to create a baby with them on your first date will bring you back to earth with a bump (or certainly no unplanned bump).

In this day and age you would have to be ten kinds of fool to have unprotected sex with a stranger and with Aids on the increase in many countries remember that one night of passion is NOT worth dying for, no matter how good it is.

5. Make arrangement for after your date, so book a taxi or arrange a lift at a certain time, organise for a friend to just happen to arrive in the same bar late at night or ask your Mum to call you at a certain time (calls from Mum will stop passion in its tracks).

This simply puts a plan into place before the date that stops you from getting too carried away. Remember if you enjoyed the first date without first date sex then the anticipation for the second date will be much greater and the thrill really is in the chase.

If those don’t stop you going further than you know you should on a first date then go medieval, buy a chastity belt and leave the key with your mother.

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Dating Dilemmas, Dating Don'ts, Dating Tips

One Response to “5 Steps to Avoid Giving in to First Date Sex”

  1. Daniel Says:

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