National Rekindle Romance Week – How to Romance Your Partner Without Breaking The Bank

Thu, Aug 12, 2010

Relationships, Romance

Calling all country couples and singles, did you know it is National Rekindle Romance Week from 9th to 15th August? This is the week to show your special someone what they mean to you and reignite your relationship whether you are plucking up the courage to ask someone out or have been with your partner for a while.

Many people only romance their partners at certain times of the year for example valentines day or Christmas, so national rekindle romance week came about to help the UK keep romance going throughout the year. This is your chance to show your partner what they mean to you, whether you take them for a weekend away, take them for a meal or even something as simple as running them a bath but make sure you romance your partner.

Living in the countryside provides you with beautiful locations to rekindle the romance in your relationship, why not take your special someone for a scenic walk and have a picnic in a picturesque location. You should also think about making a personal effort to romance your partner, why not run them a relaxing bubble bath and cook them a romantic meal. These options do not cost much at all but can quite often be the best when romancing your partner as they show thought and effort which is always appreciated by a partner and can have a better effect than grand expensive gestures.

You both obviously enjoy the countryside so why not make the most of it while romancing that special someone. You could go for a romantic horse ride or take an afternoon rowing boat trip, thus combining your mutual love of the countryside and doing something special together which will make your day even more special.

If you are feeling you would like to do more to romance your partner why not take them away for a weekend to a country hotel. As you know there are hundreds of beautiful hotels set in charming locations all over the UK. Romancing your partner with weekends away can be expensive but you can find there are great discounts available online for countryside hotels. These could save you up to 50% on your booking, giving you more money to spend on romancing your loved one once you are there.

You could also romance your partner by taking them for a romantic meal. Why not ask when you book your table for something special. This could range from the best table in the house to your partners favourite wine or flowers and a candle to be on the table when you get there. Simple things like this can make the difference between your meal out being an everyday occurrence and a real romantic evening. Most restaurants are happy to oblige with your requests and some will even go as far to suggest other romantic ideas.

Although it may not seem romantic you can also save money when taking you partner out for a romantic meal, many online voucher sites now offer . These can get you up to 50% off in many country pubs and restaurants. You could use a voucher to make the most of your money on your romantic evening, it could enable you to have that extra bottle of wine or get a taxi instead of one of you having to drive. The majority of restaurants are discreet, if you do not want your date to know you are using a voucher it is possible to slip the voucher to your server discreetly or pay away from the table. However if you have gone to the effort of having a surprise on the table when you arrive at the restaurant as mentioned earlier and have had a special romantic evening with great food and conversation, I very much doubt your partner would even care you used a discount voucher. They will appreciate being made to feel special for an evening!

However you decide to show that special someone how you feel about them it is important to remember romance is very important when you are in a relationship and it should not be a one off effort. Enjoy rekindle romance week but don’t make this the last time you romance your partner before Christmas! The more you romance your partner the stronger your relationship and love for each other will become, so go on rekindle your romance!

A romantic moneysaving guide by Jessica Bourne at

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2 Responses to “National Rekindle Romance Week – How to Romance Your Partner Without Breaking The Bank”

  1. Susan R Says:

    Something that costs nothing but your time is to write your partner a love letter (note I say write not print) telling them how much they mean to you, even if you don’t always show it.

  2. Ray (5 comments.) Says:

    I think any thoughtful gesture that you go out of your way to do for your partner is romantic. The big statement, like a fabulous meal at a nice restaurant always goes down well. But doing little things also have a lot of impact.
    I remember preparing a spaghetti bolognese from ingredients I bought at Tesco’s once. When my wife returned from work and saw the laid out dining table, I’m sure I noticed a tear. Magic!
    Ray´s last blog ..3 Essential tips When Moving In TogetherMy ComLuv Profile
