Top 10 Romantic Flowers and their Meaning

Sun, Jul 6, 2008

Dating Tips for Men, Gift Ideas

Some of us ladies are still thrilled when the florist van arrives at our door but before sending flowers find out what message you are sending.

Rather than just nipping in to the local petrol station or buying forced flowers from the supermarket, put a little effort in to selecting and sending flowers. However beware of what you are sending, red roses say I love you but yellow roses say we are just friends or denote jealousy. I have included which colour of flowers is the most appropriate for romance.

Most women are unaware of the meaning behind flowers so whether you send flowers yourself or through a florist make sure the card holds the information to the meaning of the flowers being sent.

Any good florist will know the meaning of the flowers, so if buying through a florist tell them the message you want to send and they will advise you on which flowers are appropriate.

10. Iris - Blue is faith and hope, purple means compliments or wisdom, white is purity and yellow is passion.

9. Acacia -Unspoken love, send these if you want to let someone know of your secret admiration.

8. Primrose – I can’t live without you (evening primose means happy in love).

7. Lilac - youthful or humility, also confidence.

6. Carnation -Fascination. Pink is maternal love, striped carnations mean refusal and say you cannot be with someone, yellow is rejection or disappointment but red means my heart aches for you or I am fascinated with you.

5. Orchid - Rare beauty, refinement, beautiful woman, long life, femininity or mature charm.

4. Lily – White is purity or virginity, yellow means walking on air but also falsehood and orange means I burn for you.

3. Tulip - Red is a declaration of love, multi coloured means you have beautiful eyes and yellow is hopelessly in love.

2. Daisy – Innocence or a loyal love.

1. Rose – Red roses say I love you but if you place red and white roses together it symbolises perfect unity. A thornless rose means I loved you at first sight. Each colour of rose has a different meaning but for love red is the only colour to send.

If a man were to send me flowers I would hope for orchids!!

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Dating Tips, Love, Romance, Romantic Gifts

2 Responses to “Top 10 Romantic Flowers and their Meaning”

  1. Emma Says:

    For me; Orchids are #1. They have an almost timeless beauty without the cliche of roses.

    Another favourite of mine are sun flowers but then I guess it’s each to their own.

  2. Flowers World (1 comments.) Says:

    Thnaks for the good article. Rose is so comersial, i did not like it. I prefer to gift other flowers to my girl friend. She like a natural flowers from the field :)
