10 Inexpensive Dates – Cheap Date Ideas

Need cheap date ideas? Want to be frugal without looking cheap to your date?

Everyone is worried about the current economic climate and what this will mean for our spending power. Dating can be expensive, a meal out for two can set you back £50-100 or even just a night at the cinema can cost £40 plus.

If you are paying for a first date there is simply no reason to spend a lot of money, a series of first dates can leave you seriously out of pocket with nothing to show for it if they don’t lead to second dates.

It is possible to arrange frugal dates without looking like a penny pincher and let’s be honest if you splash out your entire monthly budget on a first date then the lady in question may well be disappointed when she discovers you can only go out once a month.

Here are 10 cheap date suggestions that will not make you look cheap but will save the pounds.

1. Be Cultured

Visit a museum, cathedral, a book reading at a book shop or library, an art gallery, a local amateur drama, a photo exhibition, discover the town of a famous author …. find something cultured you and your date will be interested in. There are still many free outings like museums around the country just look online for tourist attractions in your area. Remember to look what is on at your local University, they often have productions and shows and need the publics support. If you are in the UK then Britain Express will give you some great ideas in your areas of places to visit.

2. Go to the Park

Be kids again, fly a kite, try roller blading, go boating on the lake or have a snow ball fight. The park is a very romantic place to meet so this suggestion for a date doesn’t seem cheap but of course your date will need to have a sense of adventure and fun.

3. Have a Picnic

So a few soggy sandwiches and a packet of crisps doesn’t seem very romantic but what about a travel rug, a book of poetry, a red rose and some of your favourite cheese and crackers? Picnics can be very romantic and cost very little. Not into poetry … no worries read her a chapter of your favourite book or tell funny childhood stories.

4. Discover Nature

Whether it’s a walk on a beach, a hike through a forest or a stroll down a leafy park lane, nature is a frugal but romatic way to get to know each other. Find out what unusual wildlife is in your area and try to find it. Work with the seasons, collect acorns for Christmas wreaths or shells in summer on a beach.

5. Farmers Market or Flea Market

Do you live within travelling distance of a farmers market, flea market, craft fair or country fair? Suggest meeting up and having a look round. Such dates are far more relaxed than staring at each other over a coffee and wondering what to say next. An afternoon will fly by as you look round the stalls and perhaps a nik-nak or two that will give you an idea of your dates taste.

6. Be Sporty

Are you and your date into health and fitness? Then go for a jog, meet for a bike ride, go wind surfing or play tennis in the local park. Whatever you decide to do don’t make it too strenuous your date may not be as fit as you and you don’t want to embarrass them.

7. Home Cooked Meal

Always a favourite, it cost little more than it would to feed yourself and shows off your culinary skills. Make sure you find out if your date is allergic to or simply dislikes any food and rent a video to watch after the meal. Don’t go overboard and cook for ten people, keep it light with a fondue or starter, salad and sweet. dMake an effort setting the table, a few flowers will be romantic, use insense in the room and don’t forget to get the cork screw ready.

8. Photo Shoot Day

Pick an area that interests you both, be that urban architecture, people in work environments or rural views and go to take photos together. It is not only a way to share a passion but also a great way to record your date. Never taken a decent photo before? No time like the present to learn! You can find at the Easy Photography website.

9. Buy Books

If like me you and your date are avid readers then visit some charity shops and buy some books of interest, they only cost pennies. Not only will you enjoy your time digging out books that interest you both but you will also be helping the charity. Why not take along some old books you have finished with to leave for the charity to sell.

10. Charity Event

Do you have a local charity that needs some funds raised? Show your date that you care and ask them to join you on at a charity fund raiser. Whether you go round town rattling a tin or dress like a chicken at the local supermarket, your date is bound to be impressed with your philanthropic nature even if they don’t like your chicken suit.

You may also like to read my tips for 5 ways to be a great date and romantic gift ideas that dont break the bank

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Date Ideas, Dating Tips

10 Responses to “10 Inexpensive Dates – Cheap Date Ideas”

  1. rob (1 comments.) Says:


    love the blog it made me laugh a lot, i completely agree about your thoughts on online dating as well, I shall bookmark this for future reference. Please check out my blog which has some free dating tips and london pua classes are being run as well.


  2. Sally Says:

    Hi Rob

    Thanks for stopping in. Must admit I had to look up what a pua was (a pick up artist) … good luck with your courses.


  3. arcin from MTable Tennis Says:

    I think that first date should be cheap, why spend money on somebody who you don’t even now. Especially if you can’t tell if you’re gonna meet that person again or not.

  4. Dankuna (1 comments.) Says:

    Picnic is always good idea. You can put some home meals, nice wine and sweets. It weather supports you, you’ll become hero :-)

    Dankuna’s last blog post..Gateshead Millennium Bridge, Newcastle

  5. Sonia from Dating and Relationships Tips (3 comments.) Says:

    Try a wine tour for something different and cost effective. You might discover some new wines and it is a change from going out to the local pub!
    Sonia@Dating and Relationships Tips´s last blog .. My ComLuv Profile

  6. sharon from picnic tables (1 comments.) Says:

    i am all for making things simple and enjoying the good things in life. This is a great site and echoes my sentiments.
    sharon @ picnic tables´s last blog ..What You Shouldn’t Miss in Pomorie, Bulgaria – The Pomoriisko Lake My ComLuv Profile

  7. Ash from Snow White Costumes (2 comments.) Says:

    Hey, thanks for the list. Having been with my partner for 10 years now, its very easy to forget about these simple things that we can all do to show our other half that we love them.
    Ash @ Snow White Costumes´s last blog ..Sexy Snow White Costumes My ComLuv Profile

  8. Mark Calua from solar roof tiles (1 comments.) Says:

    You just gave me an idea for a nice 1 on 1 date, I’m just fed up from dining to restaurants and shoppings. I’ll see and try nature for a change, visiting farm, zoo’s, etc.
    Mark Calua@solar roof tiles´s last blog ..Farmers Turn to Solar Energy My ComLuv Profile

  9. jose from second hand wind surfing (1 comments.) Says:

    For me i love the windsurfing.. so lovers can enjoy while staying at the beach and teach each other how to windsurf….. nice blog… windsurfing is the best for me..

  10. sarah from diy solar panels(new comment) Says:

    I think out of all of those ideas I would enjoy a nature walk the most, may be hard to do though for those that live in the city, my next choice would be a museum if that was the case.
    sarah@diy solar panels´s last blog ..How Solar Ovens Work My ComLuv Profile
