Examples of Good Online Dating Profile Headlines

Whether you choose a funny, informative or clever headline for your dating profile or messages, you need one that shows a side of your character and will attract the right people.

Firstly find out how to write headlines for online dating profiles and messages.

Don’t be afraid to edit your profile and change your heading regularly, this will attract different types of people to your profile.

There are a number of ways to get ideas for message or profile headlines but they do need to capture the imagination rather than just get lost in a sea of other similar headings.

Don’t just copy someone elses’s headline because you think it’s funny or clever, try to be original and put a little of your personality into your profile and messages.

Here are some examples of good headlines and where the inspiration came from.

Hobbies or Interests

You can attract the right kind of people with shared interests or an important issue like religion. Add something in the headline that is important to you.

  • Welly wearing dog walker loves puddle splashing
  • Christian Choirist raises the rafters
  • Canooing wombat seeks hiking kangaroo
  • Student of life indulges passion for culture

Specific Gender

You could think of a constant criticism of your gender and swim against the tide.

For women:

  • Bubbly blonde with PhD potential
  • Blondes have more fun but brunettes nag less often
  • Feminine and strong in equal quantities

For men:

  • What’s the offside rule?
  • Brains and brawn in equal quantities
  • Can I ask you for directions?

Romantic or Sentimental

If you are a romantic or sentimental person then show that, the people who respond will often be like-minded.

  • Cat Lover Seeks Purrrfect Lap to curl up on
  • Inspire me to write a love poem for you
  • A perfect day is shared with someone you love
  • Roses are red, violets are blue, sugar is sweet and I am too


You don’t have to have sparkling witt or be particularly charismatic to attract people. Be honest about yourself, most of us have very ordinary lives but we all have attractive qualities.

  • Experimental cook needs food taster
  • Well preserved but not yet pickled
  • 750cc’s of mad biker seeks pillion
  • Bookworm seeks bookmark to keep her place
  • Office worker by day, inter-galactic assassin by night

Ok the last one’s only half honest but it adds a bit of fun while getting across that you don’t have a very exciting job.

Quotations and Characters

You can use a favourite quotation that demonstrates a philosophy or use characters from a book or film you enjoy.

  • Weatherwax seeks Rincewind for magical moments
  • If you’ll be Mark Anthony then I’ll be Cleopatra … but without the asp
  • You non-conformists are all alike
  • In order to be someone, you must first be yourself
  • Don’t wait for the storm to pass, learn to dance in the rain

Be sure to avoid the mistakes made on these examples of bad online dating profile headlines.

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Beginners Guide to Online Dating, Online Dating, Online Dating Profiles

7 Responses to “Examples of Good Online Dating Profile Headlines”

  1. Dawn from online dating advice Says:

    I suggest one thinks about his/her best qualities. The qualities that you like most about yourself and other’s compliment you on. Make a list, pick the best and most unique three such qualities, and try to work them into short screen names. Try and make your screen name easy to remember by only making them 7 to 10 characters long. For instance, if you are a fantastic dancer, a professional cook or a caring Mom, you might come up with names like Crazylegs, or TopChef, LoveMama.

  2. Quincy from Montre Guess (1 comments.) Says:

    It’s all about wordplay, that’s for sure. I have noticed that profile descriptions are actually just as important as profile pics.
    Quincy@Montre Guess´s last blog ..Montre GUESS femme U85056L2 My ComLuv Profile

  3. Claire from Love Letters, Quotes, Poems (1 comments.) Says:

    Very nice samples lol. I really like this one “Cat Lover Seeks Purrrfect Lap to curl up on”
    Claire@Love Letters, Quotes, Poems´s last blog ..Love Quotes – 3 My ComLuv Profile

  4. kenneth Elliott from Cleopatra Costume (1 comments.) Says:

    When using a dating site you need to be very specific in what you are looking for. Make sure you provide that in your profile. Also, when you go on a date, look for those qualities in your date. If you don’t find them you may not have the right person.
    kenneth Elliott@Cleopatra Costume´s last blog ..Cleopatra Costume Accessories My ComLuv Profile

  5. steve from dating site reviews (1 comments.) Says:

    Great advice. One should not overlook the importance of a profile headline, it is what will grab someones attention. You gave some great examples.
    steve@dating site reviews´s last blog ..Hello world! My ComLuv Profile

  6. Sally Says:

    Thanks Steve

  7. Tommy(new comment) Says:

    Really enjoyed these headers. You make a great point. Your header is the FIRST thing someone sees when deciding if you might get along. I think it’s best to use a little play on words to portray your personality if you can…

    Bottom line – If you want any attention in online dating, working on your header is the first step. (Unless you have a stunning pic) haha
    Tommy´s last blog ..Dating Advice Book Reviews For Men :: Top Dating Books updated Sun Feb 7 2010 11:33 pm CST My ComLuv Profile
